Tuesday, March 31, 2020

1. Three Emperorss League In 1873 This League Linked The Monarchs Of

1. Three Emperors's League: In 1873 this league linked the monarchs of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia in an alliance against racial movements. 2. Russian-German Reassurance Treaty: When the young impetuous German emperor William 2 dismissed Bismarck in part because of the chancellor's friendly policy towards Russia since the 1870's. He then adamantly refused to sign the Russian-German Reassurance Treaty, in spite of Russian willingness to do so. This fateful departure in foreign affairs prompted long-isolated republican France to court absolutist Russia, offering loans, arms, and friendships. 3. William 2: a young impetuous German emperor who refused to sign the Russian-German Reassurance Treaty, in spite of Russian willingness to do so. He rejected his father's ways and wanted to keep his country to himself. He was war hungry and he wanted to build up Germany. He dismissed Bismarck, in part because of the chancellor's friendly policy towards Russia since the 1870's. 4. Triple Alliance: This alliance is made of Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy. It was formed in 1882 motivated by tensions in France 5. Splendid Isolation: when a country was happy just being alone and not being in any alliances. 6. Anglo-French Entente 1904: settled all outstanding colonial disputes between Britain and France. 7. Anglo- Russian Agreement: In 1907 Russia, battered by its disastrous war with Japan and the revolution of 1905. Agreed to settle its quarrels with Great Britain in Persia and central Asia with a special Anglo- Russian Agreement. As a result of the agreement, Germany's blustering paranoia increased, as did Britain's thinly disguised hostility.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Aztecs of Mexico Essay

Aztecs of Mexico Essay Aztecs of Mexico Essay The Aztec Indians created a great civilization in Central Mexico, reaching its peak in the 1500’s. Being late arrivals to the area, and because of their strong neighboring nations, they were forced to live in the swampy western areas of the Lake Texcoco. Because of the swampy surroundings, the Aztecs used mud to create miniature islands in the swamps. These islands are called chinampas, or â€Å"floating gardens,† and were used as farming lands. On these fertile islands they grew corn, squash, vegetables, and flowers. Being an agriculturally dependent empire, the Aztec’s religion was based highly on the forces of nature and worshipped them as gods. The god of war, Huitzilopochtli, was the most important deity. They had many other important gods, such as Tlaloc, the god of rain, Quetzalcoatl, the god of wind and of learning, and Tenochtitlan, the sun god. The Aztecs believed in order to appease these and many other gods that they needed to perform human sacrifices. The main purpose of the great Aztec pyramids was, in fact, human sacrifices. They also believed that there were â€Å"lucky† and â€Å"unlucky† days for baptism and to declare war on, which were decided by a priest. Most art and architecture in the Aztec civilization was based on their religion. There are many brightly colored murals and paintings on walls and on bark which depict religious ceremonies, along with large idols of gods. One of the most amazing and famous of the Aztec’s art works is a huge calendar stone that